Behind Closed Doors.

You see me in my wheelchair whizzing by you in town. I smile hello at you. You see me tentatively taking steps along the promenade with my walking sticks. I smile hello at you. You see me in the supermarket doing the shopping. I smile hello at you. You see me in the swimming pool,…

Good Morning Saturday.

Good morning everyone and welcome to the weekend. Do you have any plans for the weekend? I have a bit of clothes washing that needs doing and a bit of housework, nothing to much. I do have an abundance of tomatoes that need using, I have a few big ones that I brought back from…

Back to Reality, Eating well and some holiday pics.

Hi peeps, im finally back after 3 weeks in the sun, and back to cycling into outer space while writing to you wonderful people. Goodness those 3 weeks passed by way to quick, we had booked to return on the 30th, so i could get just another 10 days of sun into my bones, but…