Tuesday Morning Quote

Good morning peeps I hope this finds you well rested and if not i pray you find the strength to carry on through the day xoxo

Good night.

Hello everyone how was your day? I hope those of you who began a new challenge today have fulfilled your wishes and it all went smoothly. If today was not your day, the please remember there’s always tomorrow, so never give up hope. xoxoxo

Good Afternoon

I hope your day is going well and for those of you whom have began a new venture today your halfway through your 1st day, you can do it, you are great, you’ve got this, and then you can settle down later with a great feeling of accomplishment.

Hello Monday.

Good morning my fellow peeps. The weather is looking a tad better out there, I can see the sky through the thick clouds, although we are forecast wintry showers for later in the day, I would love it if we got some snow, I absolutely love the snow, although I can not longer go out…

Saturday 25/01/20 Diary, Accident Prone!

Long read but funny. Yesterday was a relatively good day, despite all the injures I recieved, the morning started off good, but food was not to good, although when I started the day I had planned my food for the day. For breakfast I just had fruit and coffee then decided to sort out my…

Sunday Morning Hello.

Good morning my wonderful friends. Here in the UK it is a very wet and miserable day, the wind is howling and the rain is pouring, it is so dull and grey, so I will stay wrapped up and warm sipping on my coffee. I wish you a day of happiness and laughter and sunshine…

Oh what a night, day, night !! Diary Update..

Oh My Gosh, this cold is the cold that just keeps giving, oh how so kind of it…. Tuesday night was absolutely horrendous, I saw every hour of the clock, this coughing is getting a bit much now, I guess having 2 fairly good days didn’t make Mr Flu happy, he decided that I needed…

Good Morning World.

Good morning everyone. I hope you have a wonderful day full of happy thoughts xoxoxo

Good Night Friends

Good night my friends, thank you for taking the time to stop by and read my ramblings, I hope you all sleep well xoxoxo

Diary Update 21/01/20

Good evening you wonderful peeps. How are we all tonight? Apologies for not checking in last night, I have no idea where the time went, before I knew it, it was bedtime. Today hasnt been to bad, except as the day goes on, my cough is creeping back up and chest is getting sore again,…

Pork Apple & Mozzarella Burgers Recipe.

Makes 10 Burgers/Meatballs @ 65 Calories each. These burgers are super easy to make and can be frozen (see notes) to store in the freezer for a quick and easy meal. 400 g Lean Pork Mince 5% Fat 15g Chopped Spring Onions 55g Finely chopped Mushrooms 60 g Light Mozzarella. 60g Apple Grated (approx ½…

Its the weekend.

Hello everyone how are we all today? As you know, seeing as I keep complaining this darn lurgy is certainly doing the rounds in this house, but Im feeling a tad more humanoid this morning, so I am going to take advantage of it, before I get wiped out again, if only the coughing would…

Tuesday Morning Quote

Good morning peeps I hope this finds you well rested and if not i pray you find the strength to carry on through the day xoxo

Green Soup!!! Recipe

I wanted to make a soup that was high in Iron with me being unwell lately, so using what I already had left in the veggie drawer I came up with this. This is a super easy and quick soup to make, perfect for those cold winter nights, eat as a snack anytime of the…

Cycling into outer space while blogging….

Good afternoon everyone how has the start of the week been for you so far? I think I slept better last night, in between coughing and peeing myself, do you men have the same problem when coughing or sneezing? At least I now know how babies feel being restricted in a nappy…jeez it’s unpleasant… I…

Sunday goodnight.

Good evening my friends I hope you have all had a relaxing weekend? Tomorrow is the beginning of a new week. Whether your starting a new venture, continuing on your journey you’ve got this, have a fantastic week xoxoxo.

Diary 19/01/20 It’s been a good day.

Good evening my wonderful peeps, I hope this finds you all well? if not I hope you are soon well x What a glorious but cold day it has been, everywhere was white with jack frost…also I have seen some amazing sky photographs today, it truly was a beautiful sunrise and sunset, Iv include another…

Exercising with Fibro/ME/CFS, should I exercise?

This post is on my views of exercising while living with Fibromyalgia/ME/CFS Exercise releases the feel good hormone endorphin, endorphins interact with the receptors in our brain that reduce your perception of pain, endorphins also trigger a positive feeling in the body thus lowering depression and helping you to feel good about yourself. Depression is one of the…

Colour changing sky.

I was just sat here this morning enjoying my cup of coffee when I happened to glance out of the window and saw the most amazing sky and just had to share it with you. So grabbing my trusty phone I headed out into the icy freezing back garden in just my slippers and night…

Sunday Chill

Good morning friends. Have a wonderful and chilled Sunday. Relax and spend time with family or friends. Catch up on that book you have been to busy to read. Have a duvet day. But most of all be happy and be happy to be alive, tomorrow is a new day. Xoxoxo. Image from Google.

Still sick and a weird film.

Good evening everyone. Sorry I haven’t been with you much this week, I’m not really sure where I have been myself this week, my face has been buried in tissues because my nose decided it would try to run away that was when it wasn’t stuck in congestion!!, as for my head Im not sure…

Hello You, Good Morning.

Good morning wonderful peoples, how are we all? I think I slept slightly better, although I do remember waking up several times coughing, there was a large glass on my bedside table, empty, apparently I had asked Neil to get me some orange juice because I was coughing so much, I really have no recollection…

Diary 15/01/20 Bad food day.

It was a rough night again, so much coughing, I was practically sat up but that still didn’t help, Im praying tonight will be better, today very tired but I suppose that is to be expected with this darn cold, Im looking forward to what tomorrow may bring. Nurse appointment went smoothly as it has…

Bad day healthwise, Good day food wise.

Today’s been somewhat of a bad day health wise, I didn’t sleep much due to my head being so blocked up and coughing, its like jeez yukkkkk, iv been back to bed and had some help to have a bath but still feeling like poop, by hey tomorrow is another day. Food wise its been…

Tuesday Morning Quote

Good morning peeps I hope this finds you well rested and if not i pray you find the strength to carry on through the day xoxo

Sweet Dreams

I hope you have the sweetest dreams Along with lots of cozy sleep I hope your blanket gives you the warmth And in your thoughts, nightmares don’t creep I hope you wake up nice and fresh Sleeping all your worries away May you read this message and smile And perfectly end your day Good night…

Food Diary 13/01/20

Hi Peeps how are we this evening? brr it’s cold, although that could have something to do with the ice-cream I have just eaten lol. Any how here is today’s food diary, again I can not give you an accurate calorie count on the fruit pot, so here is my estimate. Breakfast: Fruit and Yogurt…

Hello You…

Hello You, yes You, come on in. Oh hi welcome lovely to see you here, how has your day been? has the storm arrived with you yet? here in the Uk Storm Brendan has arrived in all his glory, flying around throwing things all over the place, spraying us with water which sounds more stones…

Food Dairy 12/01/20

Good evening friends. What a strange day it has been, I could have sworn it was saturday, I was convinced of it, its was a bit disorentating, I even had to double check the calendar and date on a couple of devices, what a weird feeling it was, is this a sign of old age?…

Breakfast / Snack Pots.

Today i decided to brighten up my yogurt and fruit that I always have for breakfast, I wanted to make it a bit more ‘interesting’ and colourful and make it look much more exciting to eat. So i’ve spent a couple of hours in the kitchen playing around out of the 4 I made there…

Keep Going

Good Afternoon my friends, whatever your venture is keep going YOU CAN DO IT xxx

Sunday Morning Quote

Good Morning my friends. I hope you have slept well and if not i wish you a restful day, for those of you ending your day i hope it was good and if not tomorrow is better xxx

Good Night Saturday.

I hope you have all had a good day, and that you believe in yourself, you need to believe in yourself and love yourself first, rest well my lovely peeps. xoxo

Good Day. Diary and Macros

I got back in the kitchen for a little bit today, and prepped a small breakfast, lunch and dinner, still not upto eating big meals yet though, feeling very happy about that. Finally feeling a bit more normal today, still very congested though im not sure if nose is saying sniff or blow lol, temperature…

Keep Going.

Whatever journey you are on, keep going, as the quote says do not give up, just have a rest and then continue, remember you are capable of more than you think, look in the mirror and smile you are worth it xx Image from google

New exercise equipment has arrived…

Good morning peeps I hope you are well? What a yucky day it is out there, the wind and rain is just awful, I had planned on a small outing to the shop but think I will definitely give that a miss, the weather man says its in for the day, now I wonder if…

Happy Saturday

Good Morning peeps. Whether you are just rising or your day is ending believe in yourself, you are capable of more than you think. Image from Google

Diary Update 10/01/20

Good evening peeps how are you all today? I think the lurgy is starting to lift, my temp is down more than its up so i guess that’s a good thing eh, but ugh the coughing my chest is rattling as well as my ribs and side and tum killing every time i cough, and…

Where is that mouse??

Hello my thursday peeps. Goodness the week has flown in, well I have been mostly asleep for this week, totally floored by this lurgy, I always say that the last one was bad but this one was worse, I’m thinking that this one is definitely the worst ever, but hey i guess i’ll say the…

Tuesday Motivation

Good morning peeps I hope you had a restful night, for those who didn’t I pray your day will get better x

Diary update and the lurgy has definitely arrived

Good evening my wonderful peeps, I hope this finds you all well? The last group of christmas visitors have now left, and the tree is in a heap on the floor, I really do not have the energy to remove all the decorations just yet, Neil is sleeping off his flu (I hear movement im…

Monday Motivation

Good morning peeps I hope you had a restful night, for those who didn’t I pray your day will get better x

Sunday Motivation

Good morning peeps I hope you had a restful night, for those who didn’t I pray your day will get better x

Quick diary update

Good evening Peeps. Hopefully by the end of next week (fingers crossed), il be updating more regularly again, but please don’t hold me to that, the 3rd set of christmas guests and 2nd set of grandchildren left on Thursday, and today the 3rd set of grandchildren arrived till Monday, along with what feels like the…

Saturday motivation

Good morning peeps I hope you had a restful night, for those who didn’t I pray your day will get better x

Friday Motivation

Good morning peeps I hope you had a good night’s rest and if you didn’t I pray you can have a good day x

A true fact and a few motivational quotes for you.

Good evening my peeps hope you’ve all had a terrific start to the year xx FACT:.. Did you know that today has been recorded as the hottest day of the decade… 😂 Sorry I couldn’t resist. I know some people like to make resolutions at this time of the year, so whatever journey you are…

Lessons learnt?. Motivation, Welcome 2020.

Good morning peeps. Well that’s another year over, I won’t say I’m glad to see its over, because for me 2019 has been full of lessons for myself, and I will not draw this post out into a marathon lol. What a journey this past year has been full of joys and woes,. I have…